PDF; Tiago Galo

Tiago Galo

Tiago Galo for WirtschafstWoche Magazine – Artists' Blogs

Tiago Galo for WirtschafstWoche Magazine Tiago Galo created this illustration to accompany an article about special investment funds that was featured in Wirtschaftswoche Magazine. Tiago is represented by Folio Art .

Tiago Galo – Artists' Blogs

SERBIN CREATIVE, INC 813 Reddick Street

Inšpiratívna ilustrácia: Tiago Galo — DeTePe [dtp]

Autorom dnešných inšpiratívnych ilustrácií je Tiago Galo. Tento portugalský ilustrátor pôsobiaci v Lisabone začal pracovať na projektoch pre menšie magazíny a výstavy už počas školy. Istú dobu sa venoval svojmu odboru architektúre, než sa opäť vrátil k tomu, čo ho zjavne baví najviac. Jeho prá ...

Thiago Larghi

On 9 February 2018, after Oswaldo's dismissal from the latter, Larghi was the only staff member kept at Galo; he was subsequently named interim manager. On 25 June 2018, Larghi was appointed as permanent manager after over four months and 32 matches in charge, a record tenure for an interim manager in Brazil.


By Dementia Neuropsychologia, Associação Neurologia Cognitiva E Do, Milena Yuri and Silva FalcãoDeusivania Vieira, São Paulo Brasil, Meire Cachioni, Thaís Bento Lima silva, Tiago Nascimento Ordonez, Juliana Galo tiago, Ana Regina Alves, Milena Yuri Suzuki, Deusivania Vieira and Silva Falcão

Kindle Tiago Galo

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